Please go through the complete form and provide as much as information you can. Thanks ☺
Please provide your previous (If any) and current Website URL.
Enter in the format ""
Please provide exact name of your Brand/Business.
Briefly describe your Products/Services.
What is the Origin, History, Timeline, Chronology, Achievements, and Future Plans of your Brand/Business?
Write a short Description/Model of your business in your own words?
Do you have Any Existing/Preferred Taglines and/or Slogans that you would like us to use?
Are you looking to target Locally, Nationwide, or Globally? Also, describe your preferred Target Markets/Customers/Demographics/Distance, Age, Gender, Interests etc.)? Please be as specific as you can.
Which Keywords/Topics do you anticipate your customers will use when Searching for Your Brand/Business?
Who are your Top 3 Competitors? (Please list domain names/URLs).
Example ""
What are your Business Hours and Days?
Provide your Complete Business Address (Please mention Postcode as well).
Does your business have an active Google Business Profile (GBP)? If yes then please provide Manager access on this id (
Are there Any Specific Events/Seasons that should be given priority or Any Upcoming Product/Service Launches, or Promotions that we should be aware of for content planning?
List the Social Media Platforms your business is currently active on and please Provide URLs/Handles.
If Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager & Search Console are already implemented on your website, please grant Top-Level Access for them at (*
Today's Date*
Official Company Name*
Company Address*
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Do you have more than 2 physical business locations? YesNo
Phone Number*
Toll Free Number
Business E-mail**
This is the e-mail you use to officially represent your business. This will be the business e-mail that you have used to claim your Google My Business listing or set up your Facebook, Twitter, etc. please enter here.
Company Website*
Company Office Hours*
Please enter in the format {Day} | Starting Time - Ending Time. Example: Business is open M-F from 9am-5pm and on Saturday from 11am - 3pm. Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday | 11:00am - 3:00pm
Business Type/Category:*
In Business Since:*
Primary Keyword / Tags:*
Business Description - Short (200 Characters Max):*
Please do not copy your previous description into this field. This business description should be anywhere from 500-800 words long. It should go over your primary service offerings, what makes your company different from any other, the types of clients that you help, what problems you solve, how and when your company got started, and describe why you are the best company to solve your clients problem. It is very important this is completely filled out.
Photos (Min 10 Photos): Upload Here
Photos (Min 10 Photos): Upload Here Please upload high quality images below because they will be added to all of the social media profiles we will create for your company. These photos should accurately represent your business and should be images you'd want your company to be seen for. Very important to upload the photos.
Tag Line/Business Slogan:
Specialties (exclusive products, areas of expertise):
Cities Served/Counties Served/Areas Served:*
Language Spoken At Business*
If you have reviews, please enter the URLs where those reviews can be found or if they are text based, please copy and paste those reviews into this box.
What coupons and specials are you currently running?
Brand Names Carried:
Affiliations (BBB Member, Sites/Trade License#, chamber of commerce etc...
This is important to our process that you list out any and all organizations that you are affiliated with. This may also include which schools you are an alumni to, non-profits you work with, trade associations, etc. The more organizations that you fill out, the better that we will be able to serve you.
Facebook URL
If you do not have this social media account, let us know here and we will create it for you.
Twitter Login
If you do not have this social media account, let us know here and we will create it for you. Please enter in the format: username/password
LinkedIn Login
Instagram Login
Pinterest Login
Have you or another company performed SEO services on your website?* Yes-Another CompanyYes - I tried to do SEO myselfNo
First Name
Last Name
Position/Job Title:*
Owner/Contact Person Gender:* Select GenderMaleFemale
Owner/Contact Person Date of Birth:
Owner/Contact Person Bio:*
Please include a bio that is 300-500 words long. It is important that you as the owner has a complete biography that we will use to represent you online.
Owner/Contact Person Location:
Owner/Contact Person Photo:
WordPress Login and Hosting info: username/password*
For your website, enter the login information to access your WordPress site in the format (USERNAME: XYZ | PASSWORD: mypassword123)
Domain Registration/Registrar Login*
For your website's registrar, please enter in the login username and password here
Google Business Login and URL:*
If you have claimed your business on Google, please enter the GMAIL account and password you used to verify your business. If you have not claimed your business on Google, please note that here. Please enter in the format: e-mai /password
Please set-up an e-mail account for SEO and submit the login details here. Example e-mail: please setup an email acct @your for us to use.*
Format: login URL / username / password
Please include any other logins or profiles you may have that you've claimed for your business below:*
If you've used a different business name, phone number, address in the past, please include ALL variants here.*